How should I prepare when next I lead praise in church?

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*Understanding the art of leading and backing up praise and worship in church services*

I'll like us to see together of the definition of Praise:

'the offering of grateful homage in words or song, as an act of worship'
This word- Praise,  came specifically in Gen. 29:35
And she conceived again, and bore a son; and she said: 'This time will I praise the LORD.' Therefore she called his name Judah; and she left off bearing.

Praise can be in form of prayer or music but we're more concerned with the music part
Either way, we must do with understanding (Ps.27:7)
We are to render thoughtful praise. Intentional about every word
Like Leah was thoughtful to praise God
She had a reason to praise
She had a because
Leah just had her fourth son for Jacob
She named him Judah

You may be wondering why I'm starting this way, the reason is :
We need to mean every word. God requires that our worship be in spirit and in TRUTH

God sees our heart even if we can go about being good with our lyrics and melody. We must mean it from our heart.

Hence as a leader and backup in a praise team, our worship starts from our heart
We need to search our heart. Make sure you're in sync and good terms with God as an individual
Ask him how you want God's people to praise him as soon as you get your invitation to lead
And even backup. Count every chance as a privilege, a selection of Grace
You don't see it as just singing, it is far more than that. It is a spiritual matter so treat it as one.
In your prayer time, ask God what He wants to say during the worship. When choosing songs, resist the temptation to select songs just based on their sound — whether they’re energetic or mellow. Instead, ask God to give you a vision for what He wants to do in the worship service. Write it down and prepare for it just as seriously as you would if you were preaching the sermon. Lead every worship service as if it’s the greatest opportunity of your life!

Similar to preaching or teaching a message, there’s so much more to leading worship than just standing on the platform leading the congregation and a team of musicians. One thing I continually remind myself of as a worship leader is that I’m first singing to Jesus Christ, not to people. So as I prepare and practice, I do that “behind-the-scenes” part of it unto the Lord as well (see Colossians 3:23).

Most of the time I sing my praise list to God before leading it in the congregation
This means it is essential that a praise leader knows before hand with ample time to prepare for the praise session
Making praise list doesn't mean you are limiting the spirit of God. You are preparing thoughtfully that's what it is
Even though when leading, there can be change based on direction otherwise, so be opened even with your list
Have a plan.
If you don’t play an instrument, grab the Music Director, or a musician and together, figure out the keys of the songs you’ve chosen, any potential creative moments you might have, specific transitions, etc. Rehearse well. That way you have a plan in place that has been practiced, but you also have flexibility to change like I said.

Have an opinion.
Especially if youre a co-worship leader. If you’re two or more. There are praise sessions like that, but there is always a senior worship leader. When the senior worship leader asks you what you think of a song, idea, or moment – have something to contribute! You could have a great idea that no one has thought of yet.

Run your song list by someone else especially if you are in a church that are specific about their lists. For example, the former church I attend are always after a pattern for praise. They believe in singing Thanksgiving first then praise then songs with worship content after all in spelled out in their lyrical content. Another is my present church. We sing new creation realities and do more of hill songs, elevation worship and all... Understand your church and congregation.
Always get a second eye to look over your list, just to make sure it’s the strongest and most relevant it can be. This can mean you may need to tailor a song list around something. If your MD (Music director) or Pastor can see it.
Don’t strive when you lead, but don’t step back either.
Lead with the authority that has been given to you. Yes, there is a spiritual weight to the platform, which includes the responsibility we have to lead people to Jesus, but lead confidently knowing you’ve been given the platform and entrusted by your pastors.
Don't shake while leading
Be bold to lead. A leader leads with boldness. Once you are not confident you even distract the few people that refuse to pay attention to you from worshipping
Be yourself.
You are unique and God speaks to each of us differently, so lead accordingly. God has put something on your life, so lead from that place. Use your own right word. Don't say because they say He's a good God you say it even though you’re not sure or you don't have a strong affirmation within you. Some use a lot of 'foul' words-  Jehovah Effizzy , Lord of special effect. Even in Yoruba Owo kembe re bi Ija, Osagiri lagiri kakaka...


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    educative and revealing. I just learned something new. kudos.

  2. Which aspect got to you the most? Kindly share your thoughts who knows, you might save someone else some stress when next they are planning.


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